Believe it, but it really is purple polar bear. This otherwise polar bear makes a bigsplash at the zoo in Mendoza, Argentina, when it suddenly becomes purple.
It turned out that the bear had a skin disease that veterinarians tried to heal, but it changed the color for several days. A very short time the bear became famous and is reflected both in news and the Internet.

Spaydar lizard
This lizard is artificially manipulated dragons and the latest fashion in pets. He has the coloring of the skin resembling that of the spider man comics of the same name.This kind of lizards are typical for the region of Kenya and are suitable for petsbecause they are easily trained.
Painted dragons can reach up to 30 santimetres. length and eats grasshoppers, crickets and worms. Males can change color to brown at night or when stressed. Another interesting thing is that it can run on its hind legs and climb sheer cliffs.

This dog is made by Kensuke Hirakava who adopted a dog Colombo, poodle cross, which apparently was abandoned because of its ugly appearance. Canines of Colombo were removed, and his hind legs stiff. As a former owner of a beauty salon and pet shop, Hirakava decided to beautify his new friend. He used the safe paintwith which Colombo made to look like a panda.
This dog is made by Kensuke Hirakava who adopted a dog Colombo, poodle cross, which apparently was abandoned because of its ugly appearance. Canines of Colombo were removed, and his hind legs stiff. As a former owner of a beauty salon and pet shop, Hirakava decided to beautify his new friend. He used the safe paintwith which Colombo made to look like a panda.
Some people react strongly to the idea of declaring the use of chemicals cruelty on an animal to change its appearance. Others adopt these attacks too dramatic. The owner has used safe non-toxic paint and dogs as Colombo has generally been white,only painted in black around the eyes, ears and legs.

Orange alligator
Sylvia Mitte, 70-year-old grandmother from Venice, Florida, has opened the world's first orange alligator. On returning from work, she would drive her around the alligatorand returned to ascertain in what he saw.
Sylvia sent the photo in the local news agency, and from there talk to a biologist whofirst saw something like this and believes that an albino alligator half.
Sylvia Mitte, 70-year-old grandmother from Venice, Florida, has opened the world's first orange alligator. On returning from work, she would drive her around the alligatorand returned to ascertain in what he saw.
Sylvia sent the photo in the local news agency, and from there talk to a biologist whofirst saw something like this and believes that an albino alligator half.

Pink Grasshopper
Insects are not usually brightly colored, because they rely on it to be visible in order to survive. This makes the locusts rose even more unusual. Most of these insects have been observed away from the tropics, in Osaka and in Midwestern states.
It is assumed that their color is a genetic condition called eritrizam, which turns themin unusual shades of red.
Insects are not usually brightly colored, because they rely on it to be visible in order to survive. This makes the locusts rose even more unusual. Most of these insects have been observed away from the tropics, in Osaka and in Midwestern states.
It is assumed that their color is a genetic condition called eritrizam, which turns themin unusual shades of red.

Mandarinkata medium-sized duck is one of the finest representatives ofgaskopodobni. The adult male is blindingly beautiful bird, its color palette palette isunique and no way to be confused. Interestingly in these ducks is that they do notcroak, and scream and shiptyat.
Mandarinkata medium-sized duck is one of the finest representatives ofgaskopodobni. The adult male is blindingly beautiful bird, its color palette palette isunique and no way to be confused. Interestingly in these ducks is that they do notcroak, and scream and shiptyat.

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