
Tall, dark and beautiful

A new study by University of Aberdeen revealed that the type of men, that his fall is a direct indicator of your physical condition.

Scientists discovered that the more ill-health is a woman more interested in machovtsi.

By way of logic that determines the trend is simply the survival of the species - the woman with poor health seeking masculine guy who can provide her healthy babies.

The study involved 4500 women from 30 different countries - each in his 20 years. They were asked to determine which of the two types of men find it attractive. Showed them a picture of a specimen with a square "masculine" jaw (such as Gerard Butler) and a man with more delicate elongated jaw (Johnny Depp).

The results showed that women from countries with poorer health have preferred a masculine type, while those of the healthiest countries opted for a cute kind of guys.

The study also demonstrated that most women regardless of their health prefer macho guys at the most fertile period of their menstrual cycle.

And while all of this information to all start seems that Gerard Butler, sheep won the battle Hottie is not true. It appears that participants in the study described them as "dishonest, unhelpful, more interested in short-links" and even "bad parents".

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